Noto – Syracuse
Distance from Acquaduci Pozzallo
Distance from Acquaduci: 36 min. – 35 km
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Where to Eat
Acquaduci does not collaborate with the restaurant listed below, we mention it only because we were there and ate well.
Restaurant Tannur

What to see in Noto, a baroque city
2 – Monastero del S.S. e chiesa di San Francesco d’Assisi
Not far from the Porta Reale, on the right you will notice a recently restored building. I suggest you climb the staircase that precedes it and enter the basilica: here you can admire the church with one of the most beautiful interiors in Noto, full of frescoes and decorations.
3 – Basilica Cattedrale di San Nicolò
Walking along Corso Vittorio Emanuele you will see many palaces and churches, but when you arrive in front of the Cathedral of Noto, you will not have the slightest doubt that you are in the right place. The warm colors of its walls, the wide staircase that precedes it and its dominant position will certainly not go unnoticed before your eyes.
5 – Piazza del Municipio
Located halfway along Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Piazza del Municipio is not called that by chance: it is exactly in the place where the Cathedral and Palazzo Ducezio stand, but also Palazzo Landolina and, not far away, one of the best pastry shops in the city: Costanzo coffee.
8 – Teatro Tina Di Lorenzo
One of Noto’s noteworthy gems (yes, there’s a play on words) is the Teatro Tina Di Lorenzo. The exterior of the building does not make as much as its interior: the finely decorated ceilings, the balconies and the deep red curtains have remained almost intact since its creation in the nineteenth century.
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Places you will have to visit near Pozzallo