

vinarcid0810 vinarcid0810 September 9, 2024 Places

Guests 2
Ages 18+
Ages 4 - 18

Distance from Acquaduci Pozzallo to Scicli

Distance from Acquaduci a Scicli: 35 min. – 21 km
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Where to Eat

Acquaduci does not collaborate with the restaurant listed below, we mention it only because we were there and ate well.

Prosit Sicilian Bistrot

street Dolomiti
+39 0932 842028

What to see in Scicli baroque city

Scicli rises in a plain where three valleys, called “quarries” meet: the Modica quarry, the Santa Maria La Nova quarry and the San Bartolomeo quarry. These valleys run at the foot of rocky spurs of very ancient origins which give the area a very picturesque appearance. The territory is rich in caves and this feature facilitated the settlement of rock civilizations. Perhaps Scicli was already inhabited more than 3000 years ago. Like the other cities in the area, Scicli was also destroyed by the tragic earthquake of 1693 and then rebuilt in the baroque style of the time.

The historic center of Scicli is a jewel of Baroque architecture and has been recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The buildings have a warm, golden color, sinuous lines and elegant decorations. Scicli has become known to the general public for being the filming location of the popular television series “Inspector Montalbano”, based on the novels by Andrea Camilleri. The commissioner’s adventures are set in the Sicilian town of “Vigata”. “Vigata” doesn’t actually exist, it’s a fantasy name, but in Scicli there are some cult places:

1 – il palazzo del Comune

It dates back to the early 1900s and overlooks Piazza del Municipio, corresponding to the entrance to the Vigata police station;

2 – La Chiesa di San Giovanni Evangelista

Right next to the Municipality, it is recognized by its sinuous façade which alternates concave and convex shapes. The church has an oval plan and inside is rich in decorations, stuccos and frescoes. A famous painting is kept here, the “Crucifix of Burgos”, of Spanish origin, nicknamed the “Christ in gonnella”, due to the long priestly robe worn.

3 – L’ Antica Farmacia Cartia

with its elegant entrance at no. 24 in via F. Mormino Penna, does not go unnoticed and precedes a small museum. The pharmacy dates back to the early 1900s and houses original furniture, laboratory instruments, medicines and poisons that tell the story of a century. The pharmacy is located inside Palazzo Spadaro

4 – la Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo

with warm colors and late Baroque style. The bell, which is located in the upper part of the facade, derives from the fusion of coins and tin of Greek origin, found after the earthquake of 1693.

5 – la Chiesa della Madonna del Carmine

the statue in honor of Pietro di Lorenzo, known as Busacca, a banker originally from Scicli who contributed with his wealth to the development of the city.

6 – Chiesa di San Bartolomeo

Continuing along Via Nazionale, about 300 meters from Piazza del Municipio, you arrive at Cava San Bartolomeo, which stands in the shadow of Colle San Matteo. The most impressive monument is the Church of San Bartolomeo, built in a very suggestive canyon. The façade is spectacular, arranged on three levels and enriched by numerous statues. The interior is rich and lively, with important paintings and a wooden nativity scene.


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Guests 2
Ages 18+
Ages 4 - 18