Syracuse – Ortigia
Distance from Acquaduci Pozzallo
Distance from Acquaduci: 54 min. – 60 km
Click on the google map link to start navigation: GOOGLE MAP LINK
Where to Eat
Acquaduci does not collaborate with the restaurant listed below, we mention it only because we were there and ate well.
Ristorante aLevante
Largo della Gancia, 5, 96100 Isola di Ortigia, Siracusa
+39 349 076 3996

What to see in Syracuse - Ortigia, baroque city
1 – Ortigia
The beauty of this island is disarming: the shape, the baroque buildings, the narrow streets, the clubs and the squares, as well as the atmosphere that can be felt at any time of the day, make it easy to understand why it is loved by so many people.
As the first thing to do in Syracuse, I suggest you take a nice walk around Ortigia, admiring the sea that surrounds it and letting the breeze ruffle your hair. You can do it independently, booking a guided walking tour or admiring Ortigia from the sea with a boat tour.
2 – La Piazza del duomo – Ortigia
Walking through the narrow, almost labyrinthine alleys of Ortigia, you might be surprised when Piazza del Duomo opens up before your eyes. It is no coincidence that this place extends where the space had been carved out for the acropolis of Syracuse, the largest center of the ancient world (even larger than Athens).
3 – Il Duomo di Siracusa
It is the most prominent building in Piazza del Duomo and, most likely, in all of Syracuse. Admire its beauty and external details, but don’t forget to climb the few stairs that precede it and cross its entrance. Inside you will easily be able to distinguish some very particular Doric columns, which you certainly would not expect to find in a place of worship of this kind. You should know, in fact, that the current cathedral was built using the skeleton of the temple of Athena.
4 – Castello Maniace
The only way to reach the extreme tip of the island of Ortigia is to cross the gate of the Maniace Castle. This structure perfectly embodies the city’s shining past: enter to admire the vaulted ceilings, stroll contemplating the sea and see with your own eyes the finds such as majolica and ceramics found.
5 – Il quartiere ebraico
Walking through the alleys of Syracuse is even more pleasant in the evening, when the street lamps light up and the clubs adorn the streets with tables. One neighborhood, however, stands out above all the others: if you are looking for a nice place to have dinner I suggest you do it in the beautiful Jewish neighborhood.
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